In bodybuilding everybody wants big biceps, as they are a most impressive area to develop, and given their high visibility and superficiality, signify strength perhaps like no other body part. When someone asks, "flex a muscle" they do not want to see your calves. It is the biceps that are usually requested.
Also, the greatest professional bodybuilding champions are usually those who are known for tremendous biceps size and shape. From the Austrian Oak, Arnold Schwarzenegger, through to current Mr. Olympia, Ronnie Coleman, great champions usually possess great biceps.
The biceps grouping (anatomically known as the biceps brachii), of which there are two heads (the short head or outer biceps and the long head, or inner) comprise the upper portion of the upper arm and are responsible for elbow flexion (moving the hand toward the shoulder), elbow supination (rotating the palm upward) and shoulder flexion/transverse flexion.
Also associated with the biceps, although not part of their anatomical structure, are the brachialis and brachioradialis, muscles that are situated on the side of the arm between biceps and triceps, and connect the main bicep muscle to the forearm respectively.
Training the biceps will involve training these muscles also, as they allow for greater overall upper arm size, and the illusion of a larger biceps from top to bottom.
To become a bodybuilding champion or just someone who would like to look great on the beach, training the biceps and associated muscles is a must. This article will provide an overview of the best exercises currently available, a full training program and tips to get the most from the methods presented.


Personal experience - through training numerous clients and myself - has shown me that certain biceps exercises are superior to others. The best biceps movements, collectively known as the "mass-builders," are those that provide the greatest stimulus across both the long and the short heads.
Therefore, using the four exercises shown in this article - the standing barbell curl, one-arm preacher curl, incline dumbbell curl and hammer curl (in my experience, by far the best for building massive size) - will help you to achieve your size building goals at a faster rate.
Isolation exercises, such as various cable and machine movements, do have their place, especially as a contest approaches and one wants to etch more detail, or when a bodybuilder has sufficient mass and seeks to create more definition, but for building a good base of solid muscle they are largely unnecessary and it is best to stick with the basics initially to build the best foundation.
In addition to building great biceps size, the basic exercises will also create the type of shape your biceps will adopt (which is largely determined by genetics) as they will stimulate a greater cross-section of the muscle. Here are the best exercises, an explanation on how to perform them and they reasons why they are used.